Crystal Healing Course

Crystal Healing Course

Crystal Healing Course


Metaphysics of Crystals is a hands-on informative and transformational experience that will take you to a deeper level of understanding of yourself and others; thus, enabling you to become more empowered and in control of the things that show up in your life.

The Crystal Healing and Metaphysics course will suit anyone wanting to develop themselves in all aspects of life; applying learnt techniques and using crystals as a tool to effect the necessary changes for a happy and fulfilling life.

You will learn:


  • Understanding Crystals
  • Understanding Crystal Properties
  • Decoding Crystal energy
  • Decoding energy fields using Crystals
  • Understanding Sacred Geometry
  • How to increase intuitive and psychic abilities through the power of crystals


  • Building a crystal grid & How to make crystal grids around the home, environment or workplace
  • How to set an intent for a grid
  • Understanding crystal magic & rituals during the Lunar Cycle
  • Crystal Mapping & Activation
  • Sacred Jewelry Creation
  • Crystal Meditation


  • Crystal Healing Manual
  • Crystal Healing Certificate
  • 24 pcs Healing Crystals
  • Crystal Wand
  • Metal Pendulum


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