Emotional Freedom Technique

Emotional Freedom Technique

What is emotional freedom technique (EFT)?

If you are looking a solution for emotional blockages, depression, stress, anxiety, fear, anger, insomnia and traumas, phobias, weight issues, overeating or craving, addiction, the solution is Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT).

What to expect?

The session usually lasts for about an hour, you will feel immediate relief.

What are the benefits of EFT?

EFT reduces phycological symptoms

It reduces stress, fear and uncomfortable thoughts. For example, you may notice improvements in your resting heart rate and Blood pressure after tapping.

EFT also helps those with PTSD

In a small study of military veterans, researchers found that those who tried tapping, saw a significant improvement in their PTSD scores.

Helps with weight management

Several studies have found that EFT can help people with weight loss or reduce food craving significantly.

EFT reduces phycological symptoms

It reduces stress, fear and uncomfortable thoughts. For example, you may notice improvements in your resting heart rate and Blood pressure after tapping.

EFT reduces phycological symptoms

It reduces stress, fear and uncomfortable thoughts. For example, you may notice improvements in your resting heart rate and Blood pressure after tapping.

EFT also helps those with PTSD

In a small study of military veterans, researchers found that those who tried tapping, saw a significant improvement in their PTSD scores.

Helps with weight management

Several studies have found that EFT can help people with weight loss or reduce food craving significantly.

Boosts Focus and Performance

Some researchers also showed that EFT reduced performance anxiety and improved concentration and focus. It can be very useful tool to use in situations like competitions work challenges challenging games and during exams.

Reduces Physical Pain and Stress Hormones

Calms both your mind and body it also reduces chronic pain and discomfort helps with mental clarity and emotional stability.

Book your free 20-minute consultation today!

EFT can help you tackle emotional and physical challenges. Start your journey toward emotional freedom.

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