Family Constellation

Family Constellation

What is Family Constellation?

Family constellation is the therapy that helps people solve problems linked to their family history. It looks at hidden patterns and emotions in a family that can affect a person’s life, health, and relationships.

Created by Bert Hellinger, this method is often done in Group sessions, where participants act as a family member to explore and address these issues.

What You Can Expect?

During the family constellation session, our facilitator will guide you and the participants. This can be done in a group or individually. In a group setting:

These sessions are very powerful, they resolve all the unresolved issues within the family dynamic and removes emotional blockages Enabling you to move forward with a great clarity and freedom.

Benefits of Family Constellation

Family constellation heads & resolves long standing unsolved conflicts & patterns.

Uncovers and addresses issues rooted in the ancestral experiences or blockages.

Identifies and fixes financial issues that come from family history.

Family constellation heads & resolves long standing unsolved conflicts & patterns.

Uncovers and addresses issues rooted in the ancestral experiences or blockages.

Identifies and fixes financial issues that come from family history.

Let's go of emotional burdens passed down from earlier generations.

Let's go of emotional burdens passed down from earlier generations.

Helps you understand yourself and your role in the family better

Brings a sense of peace, violence, and overall well-being.

Let's go of emotional burdens passed down from earlier generations.

Helps you understand yourself and your role in the family better

Brings a sense of peace, violence, and overall well-being.

Book your free 20-minute consultation today!

Discover the transformative potential of Family Constellation.

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