



Hypnotherapy is an accepted treatment for:

  • PTSD
  • Depression
  • Migraines
  • Performance anxiety
  • Addictions
  • Weight problems
  • Anxiety and stress
  • OCD
  • Grief
  • Sleep
  • Dementia

It can be used as suggestion therapy or for patient analysis.

How it is done:

You will start your session by sharing what you want to do. Your hypnotherapist will ask you questions and observe you while you give the answers.

You need to be honest with your hypnotherapist about your fears and what led you to be there in the first place. They need to know what they’re trying to help before the hypnosis can begin.

Some hypnotherapists may explain what happens to your brain in hypnosis. They may ask your boundaries. They will explain suggestibility and assess your suggestibility.

The induction is the relaxation part of the process that leads to hypnosis. You will be aware of everything around you and will hear everything the hypnotherapist is saying.

What they use in the induction depends on the details and answers you gave in the introduction. 

The hypnotherapist will use techniques that are safe but may entail many different types of language. They’re trying to find what works best for you, so it may take a few minutes.

The induction can happen fast or take up to 20 minutes. There are no cookie cutter hypnotherapy sessions! Everyone is unique to the client.

After the induction is complete, the therapist will ask a series of questions to determine the state of hypnosis you’re in.

When your hypnotherapist feels you explored your subconscious mind and completed your change work, they will start to bring you out of the trance. It will be a gentle and slow process.

You won’t “snap awake” like you see in movies.

They will be watching you closely to make sure you are coming out of the trance without any issue. Don’t worry, the issues that hypnotherapists encounter is that their clients are so relaxed in a pleasant state they don’t want to come back! If this happens to you, they will gently help you with your process until you are fully out of the trance.

They will assess your mood and ask you some more questions. You will feel relaxed and the change work you did will start to manifest.


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