Healing Ancestral Trauma Through Past Life Regression: A Means of Achieving Emotional Freedom in Dubai
There are many who experience emotional weight without an apparent reason; these can be irrational
Are you looking for an alternative beauty technique? The Access Energetic Facelift® is a nurturing energetic body process from Access Consciousness®.
The gentle soothing touch applied to your face and neck works with your body’s cells to restore, enliven and rejuvenate.
It’s a wonderful way to reverse the appearance of ageing.
You can learn the Facelift in this one-day certified practitioner class. During this class, you will work with the energies in the body and face, and while applying these, discover what can be released.
Once we get rid of the judgments, we project at our faces and bodies daily in the mirror, our body has the space to regenerate itself.
Learn the Access Energetic Facelift® with a friend or two so you can gift and receive the benefits of this dynamic process weekly.
The Access Energetic Facelift® can also be a brilliant addition to any business where you work with clients and their bodies – beauty, wellness, massage, and more. Expand your clientele and range of services offered.
Receive a practitioner certification and the Access Facelift® manual, head chart and a gift of mp3 verbal clearings to change the ageing process.